Wednesday, October 28, 2009

To Disappear

If I should disappear, will He remember me? Would He remember me, if I should disappear?

If I stood up one day, stuffed a bag of clothes, all the while He was gone. Left the bed made and the house clean, cooked His favorite meal… would He remember me when I disappear?

Would He notice my absence or miss the sound of my voice, the smell of coffee in the morning or the sound of my steps coming home... the feel of my hand in His hand, the touch of my lips on His forehead. If all my things were gone; the things that made a house, our home. Would He notice, I too, was gone? Would He wonder when I left or if I would return? Would He ponder on the 'why' as He lay awake at night? Would He?

Would He know the reasons why ... I left Him without even goodbye? Would He know that it didn't matter much His sacrifice untold- nor the love He had- for me; for me alone?

His faithfulness, His goodness, His gentle loving touch… None of these would satisfy me much. He gave me all I needed and still I needed more. I'd be still for a moment, anxieties bottled for a time... and then, somehow, they'd wake up- stir inside... and finally explode. I could not contain them any longer.

So I took a stand and decided that I was not going to take it anymore: not His love, His sweet caress, or His well-kept promises. Neither could I longer take His million kindnesses. When I fussed and I fought, and I raged, He continued to say..... Nothing!

I walked up to Him, struck Him across the face… if but one word, say… Something! Say that you don’t love me that I failed you as a wife. Tell me that you hate me, for all my wicked lies. Tell me there’s another you would prefer instead of me; that another will give you what I’ve never given thee. Tell me that you’re tired of waiting up for me; say that you would rather walk away and leave.

So, because you do not hear me or have ignored my plea; I’ve decided… I will be the one to leave. After all, it is only a matter of time, before you give up and resign. Resign to the fact that I’m no good for you, that I’ll never live up to what you expect me to.

That I could have done better, given you more time; talked with you more often, shared with you my life. Given you more kisses, embraced you with much love… I never really honored you. I chose the fast way out. I chose to leave before I was able to see you; before I was able to see in your eyes that look.

Disappointment, anger, maybe even a tear… I was sure if I saw that look that alone would keep me here. It would keep me from leaving you once and for all. It would hold me back, lock me up and only you’d hold the key… the key that I have never given thee, to my heart, to my mind. I simply did not know, to accept your kind of love or how to just let go.

In the past, everyone has left me all alone, so I surrendered to the fact that before you get the chance, I’d leave you before you leave me. I have decided. I've  made up my mind, so please don’t try to stop me at the door. After 16 years, I know how you are. You won’t argue with me or ever tell me to leave; you’ll just stand there, arms stretched out… one long look at me… and I will be… weak at the knees.

I can almost see you now standing there at the door with that look in your eyes like you had once before.

Okay, I’m convinced. I’ve decided not to go! Not now anyhow; I’ll stay for a while- to see, if perhaps there’s a chance that I learn, to give thee all that I am: my heart and my soul. And somehow…be… set free! From all the confusion, from roller coaster rides, from the many fears that I try to hide.
So before you get home, let me unpack. Let me let go of the baggage that I’ve held onto for years. Before you even notice… I almost disappeared.

Based on My relationship with God
Copyright © 2004 by Ellie Kings
Note: This is a Spoken Word piece; please excuse the grammar.
Paintings by Amy Hautman and Bruce Rolff


Unknown said...

Beautiful post, Ellie! So true of our inconsistancy with our Lord. Reminds me of a great book I read by Kay Arthur, Israel My Beloved. Have a great evening!

Susan R. Mills said...

Wow! That's all I can say. Wow! Perfect description of how we all feel at times.

Tamika: said...

Ellie you did again! Managed to make me cry and smile at the same time! Just quit already.

I have wanted to walk away too many times to count, but I am so glad His love held me close.

Lori said...

Wow, Wllie, this is like a Sufi poem. So beautiful. You are a real mystic.

I like the new look of your blog too, although I also liked the other one.

Ellie Kings said...

Maria~ Israel My Beloved? Note to self: must get book! :)

Susan~ Thanks! You comfort me. I thought I was the only one that felt that way.

Tamika~ I lost count too. I didn't mean to make you cry, but I'm glad it touched a chord.

Lori~ looking up definition of a Sufi poem :) got it! wow this is a huge compliment. Thank you Lori!

DreamDancer said...

I'm so glad you visited my blog, Ellie because it led me to yours. Oh my, how beautiful your site is! I love your writings and look forward to reading you more. Blessings, dear one. ~ DD

Ellie Kings said...

Thanks for joining DD... and for your sweet words. Be seeing you soon!

Kristen Torres-Toro said...

This is beautiful, Ellie! Thanks for sharing it! Have a great weekend!

Ellie Kings said...

Thanks Kristen! Nice of you to stop by and for joining my fabulous blogging buddies. Welcome! See you soon!

Arooj said...

very deep insight u have ..
it happens...that we are just about to break the relationship but a bit of consideration hold us back from taking any decisive step....i have experienced it many time...

DreamDancer said...

Ellie, I just stopped in again to say that I have read your entire blog here... girl, you have amazing talent in writing! As I read, I felt tears in my eyes and I felt smiles in my heart. Your writings talked to my soul. Powerful! Blessings and Peace.

Ellie Kings said...

Thanks DD for your kind words! It's always nice to hear that someone enjoys reading your work, especially in those doubting times. I'm happy my words moved you. It is, after all, my earnest desire to capture my reader's heart. I haven't been feeling well, I think it's the flu :( You really made me smile today; so from my heart I thank you! Your newest friend,

Ellie Kings said...

Heavenly Muse~ Welcome! Thank you for stopping by. It's nice to know I'm not in the boat alone. Love is such a powerful weapon isn't it?!

Anonymous said...

I know this woman. I have known this woman. You write beautifully.

Tamika: said...

Hey Ellie!

Stop by my blog I have a surprise for you.

Happy writing...

Ellie Kings said...

on my way Tamika...

Ellie Kings said...

I do too SarahA. Thanks so much!

Craftsman of light said...

How can i not be touched by the things you say and leave without having told you so!
i m discovering some of the most beautiful being on earth!

Ellie Kings said...

Craftsman~ Thank you for your kind words. You're more than welcome to stop by anytime.

kah said...

Wow. Very powerful. Thanks for sharing.