There are some things that keep your mind occupied for years. Unfortunately for me, Binding Fear, has been one of them. To remind me that it no longer has control over my life, I've decided to write of it again. One of my goals currently, is to work on that fear, take up my cross and be a Brave soldier for the kingdom of God.
~Take Courage~
Have you ever thought, what would you do if you lived without fear? The kind of fear that paralyzes you to the point of doing absolutely nothing with your life. Afraid of becoming a failure or a success stumps every idea, dream, plan or project from being fulfilled.
Something is holding us back. The question is what. Procrastination? Lethargy? or the fear of...?
God didn't give us the spirit of fear, yet many of us carry it with us wherever we go. It's as if fear is part of our wardrobe. A cloak we put on as soon as we wake in the morning. Standing in front of the mirror of truth, we see nothing more than someone lacking the courage to pursue dreams, finish projects, and slay dragons (well, maybe the Prince can slay the dragons). We reach for the mark, but the mark is almost unattainable and far out of reach. Mostly, preferring the quiet of our comfort zone, we quit at the beginning of the race.
For one moment, close your eyes, and imagine with me a world without Fear? If everyone, I mean, literally, every single person on Earth had NO FEAR- How would our World be then? I believe there would be peace on Earth. No wars, no violence, no crime, no poverty, no hunger. Our world would be prosperous, productive, and fruitful. Success would ring, like chimes, out in the streets. Joy would be our daily manna. All would be wise and wealthy. If only...
If we are to fear anything in life, let us fear God. "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; all those who practice it have a good understanding. His praise endures forever!" Psalm 111:10 Let us prove to our Lord that we honor and respect him. Should we fear Him, we will have the knowledge to overcome the fears that hold us back from finishing the good work of the Lord.
"Therefore, do not fear them. For there is nothing covered that will not be revealed, and hidden that will not be shown." Matthew 10:26
Today, I am given another perspective of the above Word. I think of the many gifts God has given us which we have hidden and covered. We've buried them because of the spirit of fear. But when the Lord returns, we know He will ask for interest on that gift.
So Let us put aside fear, and uncover the gifts to change our world, within the World. Reveal and share the talents He's given you to family, friends and others! Use your courage & wisdom to uncover all the good things (ideas, plans, projects, gifts) that are in you. Take a risk! Write down the vision and make it plain on tablets... For it awaits an appointed time... though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay. Habakkuk 2:2-3
Take time to lift your head with courage and knowledge to defeat the tactics of your Enemy. It can take thousands of failures before coming into success. Let me remind you, success is the product of trial & error. So try and try again until you finally face the fear that holds you back from accomplishing yours dreams and seeing the vision come alive.
Join me in conquering FEAR again & again; As many fights as it takes- to create a beautiful, fruitful world where all who have golden ideas and promising dreams will see them fulfilled sooner than later. Let us be brave, build towards a better tomorrow and live in a World without Fear!
© August 2013 Ellie Kings
Art: A Questionable Risk by Joey Remmers